Welcome to my Kitchen!
Hello there! I’m Ella, and welcome to my blog! Here you will find a wide range of easy, vegan, and healthy recipes that will be sure to satisfy all types of eaters.
Let me introduce myself; I’m a photographer, blogger, health enthusiast, and recipe developer who also has a major sweet tooth. My love and passion surrounding food began in my early childhood, where I was constantly able to watch my talented mother work her magic in the kitchen. Cooking and baking quickly became my favorite creative outlet for my artistic spirit, and my fascination with food only grew with age.
I spent the majority of my time throughout high school reading cookbooks, flipping through food magazines, and extensively researching the science of cooking. During this time I also became highly intuitive with my health, my body, and the nutritional aspects of food. This led me to constantly feel torn between my sweet tooth (which was telling me to eat the extra cookie), and my mind (which was telling me to avoid all refined sugars and carbs). My life finally changed when I realized that I could eat the extra cookie completely guilt-free by baking with healthier ingredient alternatives! Baking, researching, and enjoying healthier desserts only enhanced my love and passion surrounding food, and I found myself spending even more time in the kitchen.
By my sophomore year of college, I had moved into my own apartment with one of my best friends who had recently become vegan. The benefits of veganism intrigued me, and I knew I wanted to be able to share all of my homemade meals and desserts with her. I quickly fell in love with vegan baking and began to write and test recipes almost EVERY DAY. Yes, every day. Don’t worry though, nothing ever goes to waste in this house. Between my supportive (and hungry) roommate and family, all of my creations are usually devoured within 24 hours. These two are even brave enough to eat my failed recipe attempts with a smile!
As much as I love utilizing vegan and healthy ingredients, I also love to splurge on pasta, pizza, and ice cream. I have learned to listen to my body and mind in order to enjoy every moment and meal in life without restriction because it is totally OKAY to let yourself splurge here and there!
Life is all about balance, and so is this blog! Food has taught me so many valuable lessons and I have watched my baking bring so much happiness into the lives of others, which is why I am so passionate about creating recipes that you can enjoy and depend on. It is my goal to share a wide variety of healthy, indulgent, vegan, easy, and delicious recipes that are always made with real ingredients so that you can come here no matter what you’re hungry for.
Let’s keep in contact!
I am so happy that you are here and would love to get to know you better! Feel free to reach out to me on social media, by comments or emails and I will be sure to reply as soon as possible! See my Contact Page for access and more information on how to reach me!
Check out my Instagram page below!